Städ dag imon

Har nyss varit ute o nattat hästarna!
Ska väl snart natta mig själv också ! xD
Aa men imorron ska man städa ut duch spiltan som är stars blivande box eftersom hon ska stå här i sommar. Och just nu är det mitt o josses föråd ...
Sen så kanske de blir att måla hinder.
De va tänkt att nina skulle komma hit men de blev inte så.. <33 :/
Aja nu ska jag nog ta en varm dush o sen hoppa i säng.

I'm no super man
I can't take your hand
And fly you anywhere you wanna go, yeah
I can't read your mind
Like a billboard sign
And tell you everything you wanna hear
But I'll be your hero

Cause I, I could be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity, I'll be unstoppable
I, yeah I believe in destiny
I'm maybe an ordinary guy without his soul
But if you're the one for me
Then I'll be your hero

Oh, I'll be your hero

I'll be your hero
So incredible
Some kind of miracle
And when it's meant to be
I'll become a hero
So I'll wait, wait, wait
Wait for you

I'll be your hero

Cause I, I could be everything you need
If you're the one for me
Like gravity, I'll be unstoppable
I, yeah I believe in destiny
I'm maybe an ordinary guy without his soul
But if you're the one for me
I'll be your hero

Yeah, I'll be your hero
I'll be your hero

jag älskar dig ♥

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